Conscious Consumption: Rituals for Tokers

Kayla Zadow

At Prairie and Luna, we are big fans of conscious consumption (which is certainly not to say we always manage to do it ourselves.) Consciousness, for us, holds an internal and a societal element. When we’re speaking internally, conscious consumption essentially comes down to remaining present while you consume and during your high.

Cannabis, like anything in our lives, can become mundane and repetitive over time, especially when we allow it to become a routine without intention. At this time of the year, especially, I find my consumption becomes less in-tune with my personal needs and more of a mindless practice that I don’t even give a second thought. Smoking as quickly as I can before my lighter hand freezes isn’t exactly the intentional experience I would like it to be. It’s easy to find quick comfort, letting myself get swept up in what the high allows me to do, rather than staying present in the moment and appreciating the high for what it is.

Pre-sesh intentions are a great way to set the stage for a conscious session. Asking ourselves, how am I honouring myself and the plant that I am consuming? Why am I seeking cannabis at this moment? How do I want to feel once I consume? How can I better nurture myself? Whatever your intentions may be in that moment, bringing your awareness inwards and tuning into the why, can be an immense help when attempting an intentional sesh. 

Set the tone by putting yourself in an environment that will be conducive to your pre-sesh intentions. Environment is a huge factor when consuming any psychoactive substance, and cannabis is no different. Setting can and will influence your perceived high, and even prevent you from experiencing the high that you are hoping for. Being intentional about the physical and emotional space you’re in and the people you’re with is all in service of allowing yourself to be open to the high, rather than fighting it, masking its effects, or engaging in activities or conversations that are just not in tune with your intentions. 

When my cannabis rituals are at their best, I’m taking the extra steps to stay attuned with my body, noticing the small changes I experience as the blanket of my high comes over me. Then, I’m staying present in my body rather than getting busy and distracted or scrolling my phone, just noticing and embracing the feeling of cannabinoids flooding my bloodstream. When I take time to do this, especially regularly, I’m respecting the plant's impact on my brain and body, rather than using it as a tool. Of course, most of the time I just get high so that dishes are more fun or whatever, but it’s a really nice practice to spend some of your weed time consciously reflecting on its impact. I find it gives a fuller body experience, as well.

A great way to practice being conscious when you consume is by incorporating journaling. It gives you a space to collect the thoughts and feelings you experience during each session. Plus it’s fun to write high! As you slowly build your journal, you’ll have a record of which strains (by which growers) agree with you, and those you want to avoid. Especially with the selection on the rec market, many of us find ourselves consuming all kinds of different strains, trying to find that one that gives us the experience that we’ve been searching for. However, when asked a couple months later what you had been enjoying lately, you may find it hard to pinpoint exactly which ones you fell for and, most importantly, why. Journaling gives us the opportunity to spend time in the body, as we make an effort to describe the effects we’re experiencing.

Exploring conscious cannabis consumption will take some personal experimentation, especially to find the strains and rituals that suit you best. Maybe your version of journaling is pulling tarot cards, holding a deep stretch for longer than your busy brain would typically allow, or just sitting STILL without small children hanging off of you. And, while I might like a CBD-heavy strain to access the calm my mind needs to slow down, you might find that the same strain doesn’t pack the THC-punch you need to get there. And, while I find strains that are high in Limonene too buzzy and unfocused, you might find them to be perfect to give you a necessary mood boost to settle into a happy, present high.

If there’s one thing we’ve all learned working here is that human individuality is incredible and our tastes can be so fleeting - what makes you happy one day could drastically change the next. There isn’t going to be one bud that magically checks all the boxes of every intention you’ll ever set for yourself - but, with some experimentation, you should be able to narrow down a nice rotation that suits you for your different intentions. 

So now you have your pre-sesh intention set, you’re in a comfy environment with comfy people that help you feel safe & open, and lastly, you’ve got your strain journal in tow, ready to scribe whatever feelings may come. What a lovely scene. Some days this style of consumption may not come as easily to us as others - it’s really hard to be open, even with yourself. What’s important is we keep trying, because your peace of mind is SO important and we all deserve some slowness & presence, every now and again. 


High There, Jenna!


New Year, New Consumption Methods: CBD Turmeric Juice Shot