I’m Having a Bad High, What Should I Do?
Tiffany Smiley
For most, the average high can last anywhere from 15 mins and as long as 4-6 hours depending on how you choose to consume and your body’s unique chemistry. Some signs that you may be experiencing a bad high: Feelings of panic, paranoia, sweating, confusion, anxiety, or feeling like your heart is beating out of your chest.
Luckily there are a few things you can do to help ease these feelings if they do come on.
Take some CBD. Now I know this isn’t always readily available to everyone but if you have some take it! Or better yet, start consuming cannabis with high levels of CBD with your THC during your seshes. CBD is a non-intoxicating cannabinoid and is said to block receptors in the brain that would usually be filling up with THC, minimizing the intensity of your high and calming your overall experience. You may need a hero dose of CBD to calm your system after over-indulging in THC. Think: 100s of mg’s, not 10s.
Drink some water and, if you are able to, have a light snack.
Sniff or chew on some pepper/peppercorns or suck on a lemon (if that’s too intense for you, put some lemon rinds in water and drink.) Pepper contains caryophyllene, a terpene that has been known to have calming effects. Lemon rinds are high in Limonene, a terpene known to have uplifting properties and may help suppress feelings of nervousness.
Take deep breaths. Deep, slow breaths can help slow down your heart rate and help you focus on being in the present moment. Sit, stand or lie down and take a deep breath, Hold for a few seconds, then release. Do this as needed until you feel yourself start to relax.
Cuddle up with something or someone you love. A human, pet, or pillow can be a great source of physical and emotional comfort when we are feeling bad. Give them a squeeze or two, or three! Remind yourself that you are okay and these sensations will pass soon. If you are with a trusted person, ask them to use a firm, grounding touch on your arms or legs. The sensation of being held may help you feel more centred among the intense bodily sensations of too much THC.
Start low and go slow. This applies more going forward but is very important to remember. By starting low, you give yourself the opportunity to SLOWLY increase the THC until you find that sweet spot that is right for you. If you go hard in the beginning, you are not able to take it back and if you start feeling too high, then you are stuck on a not so fun ride.
Cannabis can be a great addition to your lifestyle when taken with intention and purpose. But, like any substance, too much of a good thing can turn bad. If it helps ease your mind, there have been no documented overdose cases from using too much cannabis. This too shall pass.