Browse the Journal
Our Annual Feminist Screed/Love Letter to the Lady Bros in Honour of International Women’s Day
Nothing makes me prouder than working with this team to create a work life that is, as much as we can make it, fair, comfy, and rewarding. A core piece of me and Jenna’s feminist project will always be not making a group of women’s lives worse in all the ways a bad workplace can.
The world of Cannabinoids: What is CBG?
What CBG does when consumed, and its mechanisms for acting on our bodies, is still in the early days of research. Simply put, the research landscape on CBG is lacking, especially when compared to the relative abundance of research into its cannabinoid cousins, THC and CBD. Still, hypotheses are in the many and the research that is getting done is getting fascinating early results. Because this cannabinoid is increasingly showing up in the recreational market, we wanted to do our due diligence in seeing what the research is currently saying, and what it has not been able to say, yet.
Troubleshooting 510 Vapes: Tips for Cold Weather and Beyond
In the Winter months, we notice both an uptick in vape sales, as well as an uptick in hardware issues, with our customers searching for guidance on how to deal with their clogging and/or leaking 510 cartridges. So we figured we’d put all of our troubleshooting and preventative tips in one place for reference.
Cannamama Chats with: Jenna
The last time we checked in with Jenna, she was parenting her daughter and using cannabis again after a long break through pregnancy to remain present, joyful, and patient with the big feelings that come with toddlerhood. Flash-forward two years and Jenna is now a mother of 2! We wanted to check back in with her to hear how her cannabis journey has evolved, especially as she takes on the newborn days again.
4 Years of Legalization (and a call to action!)
The government of Canada is currently conducting a review on cannabis legalization and is calling on the public for their unique perspectives. An online questionnaire is currently available for all to fill out, closing November 21, 2022. We strongly encourage all of our customers who have any concerns or recommendations for reform within the Cannabis Act to use this opportunity to have their voices heard.
Spliffany Explains: Growing Outdoors
2022 is upon us and for most Canadians it means we are once again allowed the opportunity to grow up to 4 cannabis plants outdoors. While growing your own cannabis can seem intimidating, with the right care and maintenance, it is honestly no harder than growing tomatoes! As a grower of both cannabis under an ACMPR licence and a small-scale vegetable farmer, I feel I can say that!
Spliffany Explains: A “Forced” Tolerance Break and the Lessons Learned
Have you ever found yourself gravitating towards certain cultivars (strains) because of past experiences, only to one day have a not-so-fun time consuming the same thing?! Maybe you’re finding that once upon a time a certain THC range was the perfect potency for you, but you’re now consuming more grams with a higher percentage of terpenes without it offering the same effects you are accustomed to, meaning you’re burning through your cannabis faster than ever before? First off, let me say you are not alone! This is a totally normal occurrence for daily partakers like myself. Don’t stress! We are in luck!
Let’s Chat Topicals
We love to draw on the incredible depth of expertise and experience our budtenders came to us with. If you’ve been by the shop, you’ve probably been helped through a weed purchase by Madison, but did you know she’s also a certified skincare buff?? We love having her insight on topicals and asked her to choose some favourites off our menu to share what she loves about them!
High There, Quinn!
Welcome back to High There, Bud! This week we are featuring Quinn, who is usually the voice of this Instagram and a P&L co-founder! Prairie and Luna wouldn’t be what it is today without Quinn and her creativity. Her eye for design is the reason the store is as beautiful as it is, she also manages our socials and promotions and is constantly researching new cannabis products to ensure we are bringing in the best-curated selection of weed. She leads our team as the HR manager, balancing the roles and responsibilities of so many talented folks! She also specializes in topicals, if you have questions about CBD lube or vaginal suppositories, Quinn is your guy!
High There, Jenna!
Welcome back to High There, Bud! This week we’re chatting with Jenna, one of our fearless leaders! Jenna is truly the reason this whole thing works. She manages operations at P+L, keeping the books balanced, the weed in stock, and this whole organization compliant. Jenna brings her attention to detail to everything she does and wears her many, many hats with such grace that you’d be forgiven for thinking this cool cucumber is less busy than she actually is. I count my lucky stars every day to have Jenna as my work wife, the Prairie to my Luna, and the brains of this whole operation. Now without further ado, here’s Jenna, telling us all a little bit about herself and her cannabis journey.
Conscious Consumption: Rituals for Tokers
Cannabis, like anything in our lives, can become mundane and repetitive over time, especially when we allow it to become a routine without intention. At this time of the year, especially, I find my consumption becomes less in-tune with my personal needs and more of a mindless practice that I don’t even give a second thought. Smoking as quickly as I can before my lighter hand freezes isn’t exactly the intentional experience I would like it to be. It’s easy to find quick comfort, letting myself get swept up in what the high allows me to do, rather than staying present in the moment and appreciating the high for what it is.
Pre-sesh intentions are a great way to set the stage for a conscious session. Asking ourselves, how am I honouring myself and the plant that I am consuming? Why am I seeking cannabis at this moment? How do I want to feel once I consume? How can I better nurture myself? Whatever your intentions may be in that moment, bringing your awareness inwards and tuning into the why, can be an immense help when attempting an intentional sesh.
New Year, New Consumption Methods: CBD Turmeric Juice Shot
Okay, these little juice shots are so cool that we wanted to share a little about why we chose to bring them in. Firstly, we really love the producer’s focus on sustainability and diverting food waste. Loop Parallel collaborates with major food industry actors to save perfectly good produce that would typically be discarded before it reaches grocery stores, for aesthetic reasons. Their juices are made in small batches and, to close their circular economy project, Loop goes as far as to outsource their byproducts to create nutritious, high-fibre pulp used in Wilder Harrier vegan dog treats. Truly a company with a vision that makes us super happy to support.
New Year, New Consumption Methods: Kombucha
Cannabinoid-infused drinks are great for those looking for a non-smoking consumption method, especially if you’re not sold on the pace of typical edibles. Similar to edibles, the THC & CBD are digested and absorbed through our stomach membranes where they are able to interact with our endocannabinoid systems, introducing all of their beneficial properties to the body. Unlike most edibles, however, cannabis drinks are made with water-soluble encapsulation, allowing the body to digest them much more quickly and increasing their bioavailability.
New Year, New Consumption Methods: Suppositories + Transdermal Patches
One thing we sometimes hear in the shop is folks looking to cut back on their smoking, but not necessarily their cannabinoid consumption. Towing that line between the benefits cannabis is bringing to our lives and the risks associated with smoking any combusted product is a tricky balance. We’ve been really excited to see more non-smoking options, besides your typical edibles, coming over from the medical market to recreational shops like ours.
A Note From Jenna & Quinn: Happy New Year!
Now that 2021 is officially over, we thought we should take some time to look back on everything that went down. 2021 has been filled with challenges at Prairie and Luna, and it has been so humbling and rewarding to watch our team come together and figure things out day by day. I smoke a lot of weed but I’m going to try my best to recap.
High There, Paula!
This week, we’re chatting with Paula, who is one of our newest buds. Though she’s only been on the team since this summer, it already feels like she’s been with us for much longer. We love her calm energy and the way she patiently and knowledgeably talks with each person through the door. Paula is a Sativa queen and loves nothing more than to share her personal reviews of products with anyone looking for a good recommendation.